Walking Tour
Explore the history of Abbeville, SCWalking Tour
After many months of planning and web developing, we are finally ready to launch the Historic Abbeville Walking Tour. The new walking tour signs have been going up all over town the last couple of weeks and we still have a few more to go. The prior walking tour had 38 stops, while the new walking tour has 60 stops. We have had great feedback from the community on the design of the new signs. They are South Carolina Indigo Blue and White with the ACHS logo. Each visitor to Abbeville can pick up a walking tour map at the Welcome Center, City Hall and the Belmont Inn Hotel as well as other merchants and restaurants. Once a walker picks up his/her map, they can follow instructions on how to download the walking app on their phone. As each walker makes their journey to each stop, they will find a QR Code located on each sign that can be scanned with their phone. The QR Code will provide the history and importance of each stop. We are very excited about the launch of this app as it will give a great history lesson on our town that can be accessed at any point and at any time.